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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Parasailing Through Life What A View (Action-Observe)

I stepped out to the edge of the boat, as the harnass pulls tightly, I feel secure knowing that the support is there. I grab the arm of my friend who has decided to take the plunge, so to speak and so begins the adventure. Parasailing, I thought of it as a spur of the moment adventure not realizing how it actually related to the every day life up to that point that I had experienced.

The Boat kicked into high gear and soon we were looking at the world so differently. How blue and harmonous was the water below, yet in the distance and behind us we could see the frothy white caps of the disturbances from influences, the boat chopping through the water as it has us in tow, the current that fights with fists against the reef or perhaps the sea life that is rising to dispute us invading there world.

Now that we are sailing through the air, the sun was piercing, yet warm and comforting and lighted the view in hughes of color and clearity. I can imagine how the view would be different and how non reflective things would have been had clouds played prevelance in the day.

Parashoot is open and flapping in the wind all exposed yet keeping us steady and on the path in line with the boat.  Its color seemed crisp and almost had a smell, like the comercials you see for Skittles candy. I really could sense banana for yellow, chery for red, apple for green.

As the boat began to slow and we came closer to the ground the colors, the smells and the view became dull and almost stale.  I thought to myself how life should be like Parasailing, to enjoy such a view every day and to experience sights, smells, sounds and enlighting details should be a norm instead of a spur of the moment jump off the end of a boat.

Now with my feet firmly planted on the ground or boat, I should say, I wanted to imediately wanted to go back up and view life from the sky to keep the sense of clarity and objectiveness it seem to add to the experience. Now I had to change that view and incorporate  the experience into the every day life the future presents.

We have all heard the phrase "take time to smell the roses" I think that I would say "take time to go Parasailing" enrich your life with the view, the sights, the smell of Skittles:) and change your perception even if it is slight it could be life altering.

This is my view
From UP Here


  1. Which assignment is this, Lisa? Nature description (I guess if it isn't immediately jumping out at me, you have a problem.)

    Let me know and then I can re-read it with your thought in mind before I comment.

  2. Please drop the word verification. It adds a layer of time and stress for me and adds nothing for you. Dashboard/settings/comments/word verification--click no or never

  3. You'll find assignment for week 1 down lower on the blog, beyond the syllabus. I thought you were doing week 1 and this didn't really fit, so before I invested a lot of time in dealing with that I thought I'd check and glad I did.

    Going to reread it now with week 2 in mind.

  4. Okey-doke, I'm back. I want you to do week 1 before I comment on this one. I think you need to work out week 1 before you can get a clear shot at 2.

    So, do 1, and then I'll deal with both.

  5. Read my comment on the gardening piece before you read this because what I have to say about this works off what I had to say about that.

    Back now? Okay. All the things I loved in the gardening piece, I miss here. Reads as if you're straining, as if you aren't sure if your getting your feeling across, so you repeat, overwrite, get fancy.

    You want us to see and feel what you felt and saw but IMO have chosen a topic that, for all its apparent color and excitement, actually is mostly a series of thoughts and those are difficult to translate to the page sometimes.

    Let me end by once again commending the strategy you use and power you deploy in your week 2 piece.
